National AIDS Helpline
We are a non-profit organisation (NPO). We provide a confidential, anonymous 24 hour toll-free telephone counselling, information, and referral service for people infected with and affected by HIV. The national AIDS helpline is run by LifeLine. We have a specialised treatment line which is manned by professional nurses. The staff of the treatment line provide quality, accurate and anonymous telephone information, education on antiretroviral (ARV), TB, and STI treatment.
New Start
New Start is a health programme run by the Society for Family Health (SFH) that focuses on providing no-cost, high quality services to prevent HIV and TB. Our aim is to ensure that people who cannot afford to pay for private healthcare receive excellent care. The New Start programme was launched in 2004 and operates in areas of the Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga. We offer HIV counselling and testing (HCT) services as well as medical male circumcision (MMC) services.
Siyakhana Health Trust
Siyakhana Health Trust is a public benefit organization registered in South Africa to provide health management support to small and medium sized businesses through innovative public-private partnerships. We focus on providing holistic workplace health management to our partner or member SMEs through operationalising the World Health Organisation’s Healthy Workplaces Model in the Border-Kei Region of the Amathole District.
SMEs and HIV/AIDS – facts and stats
With HIV/AIDS being so prevalent in Southern Africa, almost no one can say it doesn't affect them in one way or another. Believing that HIV/AIDS may not affect your company or ignoring the problem can be to the detriment of your business. Here is an eye-opening list of statistics to prove that HIV/AIDS is no longer something that can be dismissed as being a non-issue for your business.
Soul City Institute for Social Justice
We are an intersectional feminist organization and our mission is to ensure that young womxn and girls enjoy substantive equality, with access to resources and opportunities that enable this. We promote a society where all people share a common humanity, a respect for human rights, and a fair allocation of resources. As an intersectional feminist organization, we recognize the multiple and interconnecting oppressions experienced by womxn through supremacies that include race, gender and class.
South African Business Coalition on Health & Aids
SABCOHA’s strategic goal at inception was to co-ordinate the South African business sector in the development of strategies to create a platform for high-level advocacy and leadership and to develop policies and programmes based on universal good practice that can be applied both in and outside the workplace. SABCOHA exists to mobilise and empower business in South Africa to take effective action on Health and AIDS in the workplace and beyond.
Treatment Action Campaign
The Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) was founded in December 1998 to campaign for access to AIDS treatment. It is widely acknowledged as one of the most important civil society organisations active on AIDS in the developing world. Today the TAC continues to represent users of the public healthcare system in South Africa, and to campaign and litigate on critical issues related to the quality of and access to healthcare. The organisation currently has over 8,000 members and a network of 182 branches and provincial offices in seven of South Africa’s nine provinces.
What to do if an employee discloses their HIV status
If an employee discloses to you that they are HIV-positive, you may not know how to react and what this could mean for the company. This article will help you react appropriately, both from an emotional and legal standpoint. To do so, the article provides the SME owner with tips on how to deal with the disclosure of an HIV-positive worker, both on a personal level as well as with regards to labour law and the Code of Good Practice: Key Aspects of HIV/AIDS and Employment.
Why you need to implement a workplace HIV/AIDS programme
While we may know about HIV/AIDS, SME owners are beginning to realise that it may become a threat to their businesses if not managed correctly. The death of employees, absenteeism due to illness, and even customers and service providers being lost to AIDS-related illnesses, means that we can no longer sit back and do nothing. Finding a way to help your employees is not as hard as you think. All it takes is a little motivation and a lot of support and information.
Workplace HIV/AIDS policy statement sample
With the potential effect the mismanagement of HIV/AIDS can have on businesses both big and small, it's important that you have the correct policies in place on how you will deal with HIV/AIDS in your company. This is not only a moral issue, but Labour Law legislates that all companies have a working HIV/AIDS policy. So where do you begin? Statistics show that SMEs are the hardest hit by HIV, with 10-40% of employees being HIV-positive. With that in mind, if you do not have an HIV/AIDS policy, it's time that you face the reality of the situation and find proactive ways of dealing with it, for your employees' sake and to protect the livelihood of your business.
HIV/AIDS and your business
Statistics show that South Africa has the largest total of its population living with HIV/AIDS. This means that, if the disease isn't managed correctly, your business can be effected through a narrowing customer and service provider base, not to mention the loss of employees due to illness or death. Is there anything you can do about it?
HIV/AIDS And The Labour Laws
HIV/AIDS is a stark reality in South Africa and if it hasn't already, it may eventually affect your business in some way. In order to protect your own rights as well as those of your employees, it is important to be familiar with the various labour laws pertaining to HIV/AIDS and how to deal with HIV-positive employees. This article acts as an overview of the relevant labour legislation and guidelines for employee/employer relations.
Are Your Employees Clued-Up About HIV/AIDS?
Studies show that a significant portion of the country's workforce is HIV-positive. As an employer, there's a lot you can do to make sure your HIV-positive employees are not only healthy and productive but stay motivated by your concern for their (and their families) health and wellbeing.
Code Of Good Practice On Key Aspects Of HIV/AIDS And Employment
The Code of Good Practice: Key aspects of HIV/AIDS and Employment, provides clear guidelines on how to put policies in place that will protect your rights as the employer and your workers' rights.
Common Myths About HIV/AIDS
There are many myths surrounding HIV/AIDS prevention, transmission and treatment. Here are some common myths surrounding HIV/AIDS and what the real story is. The expression "don't believe everything you hear" is especially true when it comes to HIV/AIDS.
Dealing With The Death Of An Employee
Accepting the death of an employee can be difficult for both you and your other employees. Here are a few suggestions to help you adjust with as little disruption to your business as possible.