Code Of Good Practice On Key Aspects Of HIV/AIDS And Employment
It's a given that, if not managed properly HIV/AIDS may affect the productivity, profitability and sustainability of SMEs. If you have HIV-positive employees, the Code of Good Practice: Key aspects of HIV/AIDS and Employment, provides clear guidelines on how to put policies in place that will protect your rights as the employer and your workers' rights.
While the code is not necessarily legally binding, certain aspects fall in line with the Employment Equity Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Labour Relations Act. This Code encourages fair business practises that will go a long way in ensuring the long-term sustainability of your business.
It explores issues of employee discrimination, dealing with sick leave and absenteeism, of Voluntary Counselling and Testing, and various other issues dealing with HIV/AIDS at work.
Linked is a word document setting out the Code of Good Practice: Key aspects of HIV/AIDS and Employment.
File Description: The file contains an 16-page document in Word (doc) format that is suitable for use with most word processing programs used in the Windows environment.
For more information on legislation relating to workplace HIV/AIDS, the various Acts related to the rights of employees living with the disease, visit the Department of Labour's website.