Tips & tools to boost your website's traffic

We’re well into the Digital Age, which means that today, anybody can have their own website. But the drawback to it being so easy to have a website is that almost everyone does have a website. And with so many websites out there competing for the same traffic, how can you make sure it’s yours that stands out from the crowd?

While the prospect of competing on the World Wide Web might seem daunting, there’s some good news: It’s actually not difficult to get web traffic. No matter what type of website you have or what type of content you share, there are a number of strategies and tools you can adopt to boost traffic to your website.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Often referred to as SEO for short, search engine optimization refers to a number of things you can do to make your website easier to find in search engine results pages (SERPs). Basically, search engine optimization is how you get better positioning in search results for the content that you publish on your website.

Arguably the best way to boost traffic to your website is to acquaint yourself with the current best practices of search engine optimization. Notice we said “current best practices” because SEO strategy evolves a bit over time, particularly as Google and other popular search engines change their search algorithms.

Currently, search engine optimization consists of things like market research, keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building. While it might seem like a lot to keep in mind, it’s actually not all that complicated. Once you’re familiar with SEO, it’s pretty easy to create and implement an SEO strategy that works for you.

It’s worth noting, too, that there are various tools available to help you with SEO. For example, reviewers of Moz mention that the tool is a popular platform for SEOs that offers some basic tools for free as well as some more advanced analytics and tracking features as part of a subscription. If you use WordPress to manage your website, Yoast is a popular plugin that you can use for free to assess the SEO of your content before it’s published.

Guest Posts And Networking

Besides search engine optimization, networking has proven to be an effective way to boost traffic to your website. In fact, one particular networking strategy — writing guest posts or blogs — can also help you with link building, which happens to be a facet of search engine optimization that can improve your website’s position in search results.

In effect, networking refers to reaching out and establishing professional relationships with your peers. So if you’re someone who works in the consumer tech industry, you’d want to network with other notable professionals in the consumer tech industry.

For some, the prospect of networking is nerve-racking, but it’s not as hard as you might think. One of the best and most convenient ways to network with your peers is to leverage social media; simply search for your peers on your desired social network and make sure to follow them. When the opportunity presents itself, engage them in one of their posts, providing respectful, thoughtful feedback to initiate contact. It’s also a good idea to share some of their relevant posts with your audience as this makes them more likely to do the same, sharing your content with their audiences. That means more people seeing your content and likely visiting your website.

Content Strategy

Besides SEO and networking, another way to improve traffic to your site is to vary the types of content you publish.

Sure, text content is one of the easiest to optimize for search engine visibility, but visual content has become extremely popular. In fact, most people who consume content on the Internet prefer visual content — especially videos — over text, which is why we’re seeing videos dominate our social media feeds. Therefore, it’s a good idea to consider offering a variety of different content on your website instead of only publishing one type.

When you vary your content strategy, you’re ensuring that your website appeals to a much broader audience. As well, Google’s image search and video search have become extremely popular, so creating these types of content means that your website will be accessible from these types of web searches. In turn, you’re likely to see a marked boost in web traffic.

The content in this article was provided by Dane O'Leary.

Dane O’Leary is a writer, tech journalist and regular contributor to TrustRadius where he shares his knowledge on the latest trends in B2B news and technologies. He has written editorials, articles, and blog posts for some of the most popular publications on the web, including Android Authority, Phone Arena,, and Millennial Magazine while also publishing regularly on his own website.

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