The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA)
Provided by Business Partners Ltd, South Africa's leading investor in SMEs
The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) was established to provide the country with an accessible, user-friendly and, above all, inexpensive labour dispute resolution system. Workers who have allegedly been unfairly dismissed or the victims of various unfair labour practices are able to approach the CCMA alone or with certain categories of recognised representatives in order to seek redress for workplace wrongs.
The CCMA would like to highlight the following critical elements:
Lodging a dispute is a free service at the CCMA,
CCMA does not charge for completing referral forms,
CCMA does not provide lawyers or consultants to applicants,
CCMA employees are not allowed to solicit business either inside or outside the building, and
If you suspect fraud/corruption in this regard, please contact their Call Centre at 0861 16 16 16 or alternatively e-mail them at