Starting a Business

Anika de Klerk Anika de Klerk

A 6-Point Quality Check For Your Business Plan

We all know we should check our cars before travelling. Equally important is the need to check your business plan for faults and potential failures before making it the core of your business, or using it to ask for financing. Ask yourself these six questions to check the quality of your business plan. For example, have you done a sensibility check? Is there really a reason for customers to buy from you? And more.

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Anika de Klerk Anika de Klerk

10 Uncommon Tips For Starting A Business

There is no shortage of advice on how to successfully start a business and begin your journey as an entrepreneur. While this advice is helpful, it can give the false impression that there is a "perfect" formula for starting a business, which doesn't exist. Every entrepreneur will experience different entrepreneurial journeys. There is no "one size fits all". Here are 10 uncommon tips for starting a business that you may not have heard before.

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Anika de Klerk Anika de Klerk

10 Common Mistakes Start-up Businesses Make

An increasing number of entrepreneurs are entering the challenging new world of running one’s own business. Pearl Seigel addresses 10 common pitfalls that start-up businesses often face. These pitfalls include poor (or nonexistent) planning, under-charging on products or services, or a lack of motivation, among others. In doing so, she also provides ways to avoid said pitfalls.

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