Business Unity South Africa (BUSA)

Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) was formed in October 2003 and began operating in January 2004. This created the first representative and unified organisation for business in South Africa. Today, through its extensive membership base, BUSA represents the private sector being the largest federation of business organisations in terms of GDP and employment contribution.

BUSA is a non-profit company representing cross-cutting organised business interests in South Africa. BUSA consists of approximately 35 organisational members representing:

  • Unisectorals

  • Corporate representative organisations

  • Chambers of commerce & industry

  • Professional organisations.

There are also 22 corporate members constituting a board of trustees.

As the apex organised business entity representing South African business, BUSA is the formally recognised representative of business at the National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC). At NEDLAC, business interacts with various government departments, organised labour and the community constituency across a variety of NEDLAC structures. BUSA also represents business on bilateral processes and in the Presidential Business Working Groups. BUSA and many of its members participate in the CEO Initiative. BUSA serves as a social partner in the national policy development and social dialogue process, and nominates representatives to sit on statutory and advisory bodies on behalf of business. BUSA engages through these structures, as well as bilaterally with government, organised labour and other key stakeholders. In addition, BUSA makes submissions in Parliament, and to other structures and processes in line with the BUSA strategic drivers. Through BUSA, members are able to participate in cross-cutting strategic priority issues of interest to all of business.

Internationally, BUSA represents SA business in:

  • the SADC Private Sector Forum

  • the BRICS Business Council

  • Business Africa

  • Business representation on G20

  • the International Organisation of Employers (IOE).

Through the BUSA network, members have access to participate in these regional and international fora.

BUSA’s work is largely focused around influencing policy and legislative development for an enabling environment for inclusive growth and employment. BUSA operates through two standing committees: Economic & Trade Policy and Social Policy. Subcommittees of the Economic & Trade Policy Committee include  Environment; Energy; Tax; and Trade, Transport & Logistics. The Social Policy Standing Committee has a subcommittee dealing with education & skills development. Both policy committees have a focus on transformation, small business, as well as regulatory certainty and impact. This however does not constitute an exhaustive list of policy priority areas that BUSA is currently engaged in. As a member-driven organisation, BUSA represents the cross-sectoral perspective of matters brought to its agenda by its members.

For more information, contact:


Tel: 011 784 8000



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