Mind your manners when making your first hire
Considering you’re the boss, employing staff should be a breeze, especially if you have a clear idea of what you’re looking for in a team member. But, what if you decide on a candidate or feel hopeful about a CV you’ve received and they turn you down?
This scenario seems unlikely seeing as the job market is flooded with hopeful applicants. However, these applicants are also a part of the millennial generation and they take job satisfaction, and the quality of the environment in which they spend their working hours, very seriously. If you happen to put them off because of your untidy office space, lack of quality coffee or shoddy interview etiquette then you may end up losing the ideal candidate for your business.
Here are three tips to remember before starting the interview process.
Spare No Details In Your Communication About Time And Place
Make sure you give clear instructions about when and where you would like to meet with your prospective employee. Make sure to confirm that the candidate is available and happy to meet with you at your predetermined time and place and set up a calendar invite and ask them to respond. Also, give them an idea of how long the interview will take - this is simply polite and will assist the candidate with blocking off the necessary amount of time for you in their day. What’s more, this allows them to request the appropriate time away from the office of their current employer, if necessary.
Treat Your Interviewee As You Would A Guest
As you invite them into the office give them a tour of your space and make sure they know where the restrooms are, where they can put their bag or coat and where to set up their portfolio or even laptop if need be. This is especially necessary if you require a couple of hours to conduct your interview or would like to test their skill level (as is the case when interviewing a copywriter, designer, web developer or the like). What’s more, if you take a break during the interview, then show your candidate where they can grab some fresh air or make a phone call.
Be Presentable – As Presentable As You Expect Your Interviewee To Be
Make sure your office space and interview area is neat and tidy. Don’t leave papers lying around, especially sensitive documents, make sure your whiteboards are cleaned off and there are no dirty coffee cups or water glasses lying around. Your space should look like a place of serious business and an attractive environment in which to work. For that matter, buy some plants as they always brighten up a room and bring a little bit of greenery into environment.
If you’re feeling a little anxious about starting the hiring process then you could consider educating yourself a little more about human resources and the process behind employing a staff member. There are several courses available that will outline everything you need to know about employment.
The content in this article was provided by Boston City Campus & Business College which offers HR management courses.