How to select the right job candidates

When you run a business, it’s important you hire the right employees. And when you run an SME, this becomes even more important. You run a small team and each and every member of this team has to be able to their job and do it well. That’s why you need to make sure you’re choosing candidates the right way.

Here are some great ways to select the right candidates for the job.

Check Their Social Media

Don’t get the wrong idea, this is not a way to make sure they live a lifestyle you approve of. This is a way to check two things. Firstly, to find out if they have a personality that will fit in with your corporate culture. They have to be able to communicate and engage with their colleagues. If they constantly complain about their current job on Twitter, you may not want them doing the same to you. Every one of your employers represents your company and it’s important you can trust them to do this correctly.

Secondly, do they share interesting things about the industry on their social media? Do they interact with thought leaders in the business on Twitter? Do they post insightful articles on LinkedIn? You want to hire someone who doesn’t just see this as a way to earn a pay cheque.

Ask The Right Questions In The Job Interview

You can get the candidate’s job history and accolades from their CV. So, rather use the time in the interview to discuss their take on what you do and the industry as a whole. Take some time to listen to their insights – whether it’s on asset finance solutions or the best way to market a new product on a minimal budget. You need to know what they can do for your company. That’s the most important thing.  

Test Them

Think about what the job involves and give them a test based on that. For example, if the job requires writing press releases, give them a realistic writing test. Or if the job requires problem solving, create fictional situations and see how they deal with it. Give them deadlines similar to the ones they’d have to face while working for you. This is the best way to see if they can handle the job as well as the pressures that come with it.

Your company’s success depends on the people who work there. That’s why you need to put a lot of time and energy into finding the perfect candidates.  


The content in this article was provided by WesBank – a leading Vehicle and Asset Finance provider and part of one of the largest financial services groups in Africa. WesBank is a division of FirstRand Bank Limited.

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