SARS E@SyFile Software

To assist employers, tax professionals and companies to meet their tax commitments, SARS has made available a free software package called e@syFile, which can be downloaded from the SARS website or collected on CD from any SARS office.

The e@syFile software has been created and provided in an attempt to ensure greater accuracy and allow all IRP5, IT3 (a) and EMP501 returns to be submitted electronically or on a CD delivered to a SARS office. It is also aimed to encourage small business to move from manual to automated payroll systems.

This electronic tax system is quicker, more accurate, more efficient and will make life easier for compliant taxpayers, while allowing SARS to concentrate on non-compliant taxpayers.

For companies with automated payroll and HR software systems, life will be much easier. All they need to do is to access their year end IRP5 and IT3A data file and import the file into e@syFile. This also automatically transports the company and employee details, as well as the tax certificate details.

Validation of the data against SARS records happens immediately. If there are no errors the data automatically populates the form via e@syFile within seconds.

If there are errors, the e@syFile program will provide details, allowing the company to check and make corrections. The corrected data will then populate the e@syFile form and be reconciled. The software then presents the company's declared liability, detailing any amount owing to SARS or any excess due back to the company.

Employers with automated payroll and HR software solutions can print out their employee tax certificates and hand them to staff for their personal file in the usual way. They can also be printed from e@syFile as PDF files.

Your important information is secure and any e@syFile data submitted to SARS for validation is automatically encrypted so that only SARS can access and read the file once it has been transmitted.

Visit the SARS website to download this free software and users manuals.


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