Tourism Associations And Organisations

There are various organisations and associations that look after the interests of small businesses; helping entrepreneurs get off their feet and providing insight into the industry. These organisations also regulate the tourism industry and how it is operated.

Association of Southern African Travel Agents (ASATA)

ASATA is a representative forum that promotes professional service with security for both members and their clients. Their emphasis is on free trade without violating rules and regulations. Over 500 travel agents, wholesalers and tour operators are members of ASATA. It also has nearly 200 Associate Partners, which include companies such as airlines, hotels, car rental companies and other suppliers and industry partners.

For more information visit:

Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa (FTTSA)

The FTTSA is an independent project of the World Conservation Union and aims to facilitate improved access to tourism markets for structurally disadvantaged tourism enterprises. Qualifying businesses are able to use the FTTSA Trademark as a marketing tool, as it is an independent symbol of fairness in the tourism industry and is only awarded to establishments that meet stringent criteria.

The FTTSA also encourages and publicises fair and responsible business practice by South African tourism establishments, such as fair wages and working conditions, fair operations, respect for human rights, culture and the environment. For more information visit:

National Accommodation Association of South Africa (NAA-SA)

The NAA-SA brings together all local and provincial accommodation associations. NAA-SA membership assures that those looking for accommodation in smaller establishments can expect quality, reputable service and value for money - and recourse if this is not the case. For more information visit:

South African Association for the Conference Industry (SAACI)

SAACI is dedicated to maintaining and improving the standards of efficiency and professionalism for the conference industry in southern Africa. For more information visit:

Southern Africa Tourism Services Association (SATSA)

SATSA is a non-profit member driven association, representing major role players including airlines, coach operators, tour operators, accommodation establishments, vehicle-hire companies and so on. By doing business with a SATSA accredited member, one has peace of mind and a guarantee that they are receiving the best possible services within the tourism industry. For more information visit:

South African Tourism (SAT)

SAT is the official international marketing organisation for South Africa as a tourist destination. SAT participates in travel shows, presents workshops for members of the travel trade, produces a variety of promotional material and co-ordinates marketing campaigns to create a positive climate for the effective marketing of South Africa's many excellent tourism products. For more information visit:

Tourism Enterprise Programme (TEP)

TEP facilitates the growth, development and sustainability of small tourism businesses. This is achieved through a number of products and services that provide hands-on, step-by-step support and guidance, ultimately leading to improved product quality, operational efficiency and market reach. For more information visit:

Tourism Business Council of South Africa

The Tourism Business Council of South Africa is the umbrella organisation representing the tourism business sector. Its primary purpose is to engage with all stakeholders in developing macro strategies that create an enabling environment for tourism development.

These strategies require the development and maintenance of an environment in which tourism will prosper and the business sector will be able to achieve successful growth and development, while ensuring the protection of our natural and cultural heritage. For more information visit:

Tourism Grading Council of South Africa (TGCSA)

The TGCSA was established to create a star grading system that promotes an overall improvement and standards across all areas of the tourism industry. The TGCSA represents  the entire tourism industry and performs a vital role in ensuring a standard of quality is achieved across all the services and facilities offered by the South African tourism industry. For more information visit:

Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Education and Training Authority (THETA)

THETA is the Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) established under the Skills Development Act (No 97 of 1998) for the Tourism Hospitality and Sport Economic Sector.

THETA aims - among other things - to develop the skills of workers in the sector, increase the levels of investment in education and training, encourage employers to train their employees, provide opportunities for work experience and employ new staff in co-operation with the South African Qualifications Authority. For more information visit:

The Restaurant Association of South Africa (RASA)

RASA is a non-profit organisation that was formed in the interest of the South African restaurateur and to ensure that there is a lobby and a voice to speak on his/her behalf. RASA is the information and communications hub that introduces and maintain ethical business and employment practices and introduces compliance to a regulatory framework. For more information visit:

Federated Hospitality Association of South Africa (FEDHASA)

The role of FEDHASA is to ensure a sustainable and profitable business environment for the South African Hospitality Industry. In its role as a Trade Association, FEDHASA represents member interests on most recognised public and private sector economic, business and environmental forums.

Close ties with organisations such as South African Tourism, the Tourism Business Council of South Africa, the Department of Environmental Affairs, the Department of Forestry & Water Affairs and many others, ensure member participation and input at the highest possible levels. For more information visit:


Freestate Tourism Authority


South African Tourism