Small business? Top tips to save water

You might not think, as a small business owner, you have much of an impact on the environment. After all, you are a small business, aren’t you? But the fact of the matter is, everyone has an impact on the environment. This is especially true if you use any water in your business, as you are making use of a natural resource.

You can speak to the water treatment companies in South Africa for advice on how to save and reuse water in your small business. There are some efficient water solutions in Cape Town such as desalination plants creating usable water from seawater and a growing popularity in rainwater catchment tanks. If you want to take the steps towards being a more eco-friendly business, below are some top water-saving tips for small businesses.

Lower The Flow

Your office likely has a bathroom and kitchen that your staff uses on a regular basis. In order to lower how much water is used when washing their hands or when rinsing eating utensils, you could install a low-flow tap aerator.

This aerator lets out less than five litres of water as opposed to the eight litres of water that normal taps let out per minute. If you install a low-flow toilet, then instead of the 18 litres that normal ones use, you will only be using seven. This is a massive saving for the environment and your wallet. Be sure to ask a professional water treatment company to install this equipment so that it is done correctly.

Do A Water Audit

If you notice that your water bill is steadily getting higher, it might be time to perform a water audit. A water audit looks at the water a company or business is using each month and provides an analysis of where there could be an issue, such as a leaking faucet or broken water pump.

By knowing exactly how and why you are using your water, you will be able to devise a plan on how to save it. For example, you will be able to fix all the leaks that you might not previously have known about. You can also implement water saving techniques throughout your daily business, such as using aerator faucets and reusing rainwater to wash floors and other surfaces. A water audit will give in-depth details rather than you simply having to guess who or what is wasting water. You will have a more honed water conservation strategy too.

Get Creative

Small business owners have creative minds. And this can be applied to the way you use and save water. For example, you could implement a “Waterless Wednesday” activity, where your employees have to bring lunches for their home in lunchboxes or disposable containers so the dishwasher does not have to be used.

You could implement a rewards system for your staff, such as giving vouchers for a coffee to those who use the least amount of water in the office. You could also install a water cooler in the kitchen so that employees do not have to use the taps to fill up their water bottles all the time. Ask for suggestions form your staff for simple but effective ideas that you can implement to become more water-wise. For example, providing bottled drinking water on hot days rather than using the tap to fill a water bottle.

Reduce Water Usage In The Garden

If your office is lucky enough to have a garden, you will need to investigate ways to maintain it in a way that is low on water consumption. One of the best ways to do this would be to install a rainwater catchment tank. This way, you will have a ready supply of water without having to use the tap water in your office.

You can also plant plants that are better suited to an arid climate, such as succulents. This way, you will not have to water them as frequently and you will have a unique garden to show clients. You could also reuse the water from washing dishes on your plants, but be sure not to do this often due to the high salt levels and chemicals from the dishwashing liquid. You could also ask your employees to pour out their remaining bottled water into the garden as they leave for the day.

Invest In The Environment

As a small business owner, investing is part of your game. And it is time that you invested in the environment too. You can start being more water-wise by performing a water audit and fixing any leaks that you might find. Install low-flow tap aerators in the bathroom and kitchen and ask your staff to use hand sanitiser wherever possible. By using creative methods, you will be able to save water and contribute positively to the environment at the same time.


The content in this article was provided by Rogerwilco – a South African marketing agency based in Cape Town.


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