Bringing Out The Best In Your Employees

We know how easy it is to criticise, blame and find reasons for putting others down. When we do this though we are ignoring the role we can play to influence the situation. Developing a healthy self esteem is a life long process for many and we all have an opportunity to make a positive and lasting postive impression on those who work for or with us.

You may ask yourself: How can I encourage others to give of their best? What can I do to improve creativity? How can I bring about a greater sense of responsibility in my staff? What can I do to attract the right kind of people?

When we nurture self esteem we automatically have a massive impact on the willingness of others to give of their best. Conversely, when treating others with no respect, they will give much less of what they are capable of delivering.

  1. Become more concious of the messages you are giving others eg. Do you make uplifting or critical and demeaning statements? Ask yourself: If I bring 5% more awareness to my my work today I will treat others… (eg with more respect, kindness, fairness, a greater willingness to listen, genuine interest).

  2. Cut out all criticism, personal comments, punishing someone when they admitted to making a mistake.

  3. Show others acceptance by treating them with respect, listening carefully, suspending judgement.

  4. Give others genuine positive feedback on their abilities and character traits. Catch them doing something right and give them specific feedback eg “I saw you being polite toward the client and that will ensure that we keep them as a client. Thank you.” When we are specific with our feedback, the employee has a clear idea of what they need to continue doing.

  5. Encourage others to solve their own problems. If they do not know how, ask them what options they have considered. Listen and ask questions that will get them to think. In this way they will learn responsibility and problem solving.

  6. Focus on the task as opposed to making issues personal eg “What is the situation? What needs to be done” as opposed to “why did you mess up? This is your fault.”

  7. Work on your own self esteem: take responsibilty for your own reactions, become more uplifting in your interactions, keep your tone and words neutral, if you have handled a situation poorly, apologise.

  8. Share your feelings and expand on why you feel that way.

See what happens when you focus on the positive.

“Compassion and respect do not imply lack of firmness”. Nathaniel Brandon

Article written by Linda Germishuizen, Executive, Career and Life Coach.


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