How To Create A Great Customer Experience Strategy

Statistics show that buyers are now willing to pay more for a great customer experience and companies that prioritise customer experience are gaining higher profits. So, if you’re wondering how you can create a winning customer experience strategy for your own business, here are a few great strategies you can use to deliver an outstanding customer experience.

1. Define What Your Customer Experience Vision Is

Having a clear customer-focused vision that your employees can understand should be your first step when creating your customer experience strategy. The simplest way to make this vision clear is to generate a set of statements that act as guiding principles. Once you have defined these principles, they should drive the behaviour of your staff. All your employees should be familiar with these principles and they should be fixed into all training and development areas.

2. Use A Quality Framework For The Training Needs Of Your Team

According to SuperOffice, by following the steps mentioned above, you will have the opportunity to investigate what customers think about the standard of your product or service compared to the customer experience principles you have specified. After this, you can pinpoint the training needs of every employee in your customer service team. While several organisations evaluate the quality of phone and email communication, a quality framework takes this evaluation one step further by arranging and tracking your team’s development through group training and coaching.

3. Create An Emotional Connection With Your Customers

It’s been said that “it’s not what you say, but how you say it”. Find out whether your contact centre or customer service is evoking the right emotions from customers, as research found that more than 50% of a customer’s experience is based on emotions. The best customer experiences are achieved when your customer service employees create an emotional connection with customers. Customers become attached to your business when they have positive memories of how they felt when they used your product or service. A Harvard Business Review study titled, “The New Science of Customer Emotions”, revealed that customers who are emotionally engaged are not only three times more likely to recommend your product or service, but also three times more likely to make another purchase.


Never have customer expectations been higher than today, and as customers become even more empowered, it’s becoming critical for businesses to offer an outstanding customer service experience. Customer experience will soon overtake price and product as the dominant brand differentiator.


The content in this article was provided by Janice Garman – a senior content specialist at TMI SA, writing for clients from a range of industries, business types, and specialties.

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