Customer Service Action Form

ADD Customer Service Action Form AND LINKS TO RESOURCES

The customer service action form helps prevent customer problems from being overlooked, while at the same time providing for an orderly hand off to someone who can address the matter. It also sets a clear procedure for your employees to follow when a customer is unhappy.

This is intended to be a simple and practical tool to be adjusted and used by SMEs working in all sectors. You may adapt it to reflect your business needs, type of clientele, products and services you offer.

Special Features

  • Easy-to-fill out format, including separate fields for description of the problem, action taken, recommended next steps, and routing.

  • Quickly customizable to reflect your company's products, services, and work flow.

For more resources:

  • Providing superior customer service

  • How to follow up with customers

  • Get better customer input

  • Customer feedback

  • Customer satisfaction feedback form


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