Due Diligence – Dig Deep When Buying A Business

Due diligence is an investigation (not an audit) of a potential acquisition, to confirm, to the buyer's satisfaction, whether to carry on with the transaction or to withdraw.

The extent of the investigation depends on the size of the transaction and regrettably for the small to medium deals, the investigation can be more complex than bigger deals, because of poor corporate governance, lack of legal compliance, poor accounting/administration systems and often taking short cuts with the tax man – hence the need for the buyer to dig deep.

Following the principle of keeping it simple and practical, the areas that generally need specific attention, understanding and if necessary clarity, include:

  • Are the financial statements accurate and up to date? Go back 3 years

  • Is stock in a saleable condition?

  • What is the condition and real value of the assets?

  • To ascertain potential benefits and liabilities – is it a declining market?

  • Is the business solvent?

  • What are the business risks – is there new technology which can make the business redundant?

  • Is there a positive cash flow?

  • The ongoing commitment of employees – are they motivated?

  • A clear understanding of the industry to be entered and importantly who the competitors are

  • What is the future of the business and its competition?

  • Will contracts remain in place after the change of ownership?

  • How strong are the sales and marketing departments?

  • The image and reputation of the business.

  • Accountability and transparency of owners, directors and management.

  • How effective is the businesses planning?

  • Is the business legally and financially compliant?

  • Are there legal cases pending which could affect the image of the business?

  • Verification of the claims made by the owners/management

  • Ascertaining opportunities which are available

  • WHY IS THE BUSINESS FOR SALE? – If the answer is not clear, walk away

  • How can the buyer increase the revenue and profits of the business and merge it with its own?

  • Are there other offers on the table – don't get caught in an auction – get a commitment from the seller that, during the due diligence, he will not negotiate with other parties

  • What are the price and payment terms and how are they justified – tax is an area which needs specific attention

  • Assessing all the findings from all the participants, lawyers, accountants etc. to ensure that there is a clear picture of the business from all angles. This is often an area where, because of lack of communication, the buyer does not get a comprehensive picture of the business and as a consequence makes a wrong decision

When you have so much at stake, it's important to take the stance that the seller will not "tell the truth, the whole truth and anything but the truth". He usually will not disclose any "skeletons in the cupboard".

This process can be frustrating, time-consuming and expensive, but you put yourself at great risk if you don't do your homework. The use of outside advisers is often necessary, but can be expensive – therefore ensure that they have extensive experience – use "men, not boys". Don't be penny-wise and pound foolish.

Consider the following:

  • The legal investigation is to satisfy the buyer that the legal affairs of the business are in order. (especially ownership of assets), that the business complies with statutory requirements and that the main contracts affecting the business, are in order.

  • The major components of the financial investigation centre around – comparing budgets with actuals, are forecasts realistic, checking business trends, and importantly, the quality of the accounting systems

  • Check that there have been no auditor's qualifications – they can be a deal breaker.

  • From a human resources position, matters such as salary levels, restraints of trade, pension rights and terms in the employee's contract (especially notice periods) must be considered.

  • At the end of the day, if anything is found which is negative, this can be used to seek a reduction in the purchase price.

Don't be rushed – fools rush in. It's no use being wise after the event. Checking first avoids problems later. 


The content in this article was provided by Bob Power, owner of Power Consulting – a consulting company that provides a full civil, structural and mechanical design service, including seismic and dynamic design solutions through to the generation of civil and structural drawings which can be issued directly to contractors and or fabricators.

For more information, contact:

Website: https://www.powerconsulting.co.za/

Tel: 011 958 1612 OR 083 272 8563

Email: power@pceng.co.za


Finding Financing: Terms And Definitions


Buying An Accommodation Business