Business Management
Why You Should Consider Complaint Line Management Services For Your Business
As much as we would like to believe our business is the best and offers our clients the service they deserve. There are times when things can go horribly wrong during the customer journey and it is sometimes out of our hands. This is where customer complaint line management services come in. There are many reasons why your business should consider customer complaint line management services and there are many benefits that come with it. Here is why you should consider an outsourcing service for your business.
Why Are Communication Skills Important In Management?
Not sure why you need to be a good communicator? Well, being a manager means that you have to do more than, well, manage people. You need to be able to communicate clearly and build a relationship with your colleagues and employees. If you do not improve your interpersonal and communication skills, you might find that your employees are unable to speak to you about issues they might be facing. Outlined in this article are just some of the reasons why communication is important to management.
What To Do In Tough Economic Times
Recently I asked the 15 finalists and winners of the 2016 Entrepreneur of the Year Competition, sponsored by Sanlam and Business Partners, to tell me what they do to ensure that their businesses survive and thrive in the current difficult economic environment. Their responses varied, underlying the fact that no single “recipe” works for all businesses. Each business owner needs to carve out and implement the element mix which is optimal for their business. This article will focus on the more generic elements.
What Roles Do You Fulfill In Your Business?
“It often happens that I wake at night and begin to think about a serious problem and decide I must tell the Pope about it. Then I wake up and remember that I am the Pope.” – Pope John Paul XXIII. Like people, your business also has different roles to fulfill. It is important to know exactly what those roles are, because someone (a person or a team) in your business must take responsibility for this specific aspect, otherwise it is not seen to.
Township Entrepreneurs: What You Need To Know About Never Missing A Sale Again
Township Entrepreneurship offers an invaluable opportunity and avenue of entry into a sector that has historically been largely inaccessible to historically-marginalised people. Whether you run a tavern, lounge, hair salon or general dealer we understand what you want from your business. You want to make money; you want to be competitive; you want to move your goods quickly; and, most importantly, you never want to miss a sale. Here's how you can do just that.
Tips For Managing Organisational Change
There is no getting around it: the traditional models of the past have no place in today’s fast-paced business environment. Those careerists at the top who expect to remain in those positions until retirement are deluding themselves. Unless you are prepared to recognise change and take the necessary steps to embrace it, you will very soon find yourself out in the cold. The last thing an employer wants is for staff to leave, so it is important that change is managed properly. Here are some handy pointers for overseeing the reform process.
The Value Of Reflection To Improve Business Results
“Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.” – Margaret J. Wheatley. These are very sobering words and make us realise that we might be chasing the next deal without giving sufficient thought to the ability of our business and infrastructure to meet and exceed client expectations. We continuously need to sharpen the proverbial saw. Here is a value chain perspective to consider when reflecting about your business endeavours
The Secret All Successful SMEs Know
HR can make or break your business. However, small, micro, and medium enterprises (SMMEs) often wait for something to go wrong before they consult an HR specialist. Putting a few basic policies and procedures in place from the outset could save you both time and anxiety. This article looks at tips to help you handle all things HR-related in your business.
The Best Apps and Online Tools for Your Small Business
Technology has changed the business landscape and the ways in which customers prefer to access and consume products as well as interact and engage with businesses. In this digital age, embracing great online tools and apps can really transform your small business in many ways. This article lists some of the digital tools you can use to remain competitive.
The 5-Step Plan To Improve Your Business
Perform a simple exercise every month that will help you make the best of your business. The 5 Step Plan involves 5 easy and simple steps that you must commit yourself to execute every month, to improve your business. You don’t need a consultant or a business analyst to do this for you – nobody can do it better than yourself – nobody knows your business better than yourself! Call it your monthly strategic planning session. Here's how to get started.
Taking Stock of Your Performance
At calendar year end many companies take stock of all inventory items. Taking stock of how your company performed against your plan is even more important. Pull out the business plan you completed earlier in the year and make a comparison between what was planned and what actually happened. Of course, if you never create a business plan, you cannot do this and you should take note of Dave Ramsay’s wise words “A goal without a plan is just a dream”. Stop dreaming, plan, and implement.
Strategic Alliances, Motivation, And Productivity Are The Result Of Quality Connections
To inspire motivation and productivity in our businesses, we need to connect to the right aspirations and the right people – in the right way. As individuals we have 3 critical connectors. As business leaders we have 3 platforms on which to connect effectively for sound business structuring and growth. This article looks at how you can leverage these 3 connectors and 3 platforms to structure and grow your business.
SME Trends To Take Note Of
SMEs are breaking ground and getting noticed, as evidenced by the influx of investments last year. South Africa is recognising the importance SMEs play in the local economy, and now is a good time for your small to medium enterprise to be in business. While it might be a good time for SMEs, it’s beneficial to keep abreast of trends so that it’s still a good time for your business tomorrow.
Set Goals For Your Business
Goal-setting is crucial to the success of any business, but is particularly important for entrepreneurs who can become distracted without focus. Goals direct actions, give you something to aim for, and can serve as a yardstick for measuring your business' success. The way you approach goal-setting will determine whether you are able to attain your goals. That said, if you tend to avoid goal-setting, these tips should help.
Recommended Reading: Of Course You Can!
Of Course You Can! is a practical guide to starting and managing your own successful business in South Africa, written by Brian Adams. The book covers terminology; swot analysis; taking your idea to market; image and branding; banking and finance; statutory returns; working from home; and so much more. The book also provides notes pages, as well as space to complete self-assessments on some of the material.
Putting Processes In Place For Your SME
Businesses that don’t have definite processes don’t often last very long. Processes turn chaos into manageable scenarios. They ensure everything is being done at the right time and by the right people. If you don’t have the correct processes in place, mix ups happen, things go wrong and clients or customers end up being unhappy. So, here are some things to consider when creating processes for your SME.
Plan Differently To Get Better Results
There is so much to keep in mind that things can easily go wrong. And they do go wrong – this I’ve seen over and over in the more than 20 years that I’ve been supporting, coaching and training entrepreneurs. However, it does not need to be difficult to plan to increase the likelihood of great results. In fact, the simpler your business plan, the better your results. Read on to find out why this is the case.
Pivoting Your Business
What do you do when you realise your current business model just isn’t working? What do you do when your customers or clients respond in an unexpected way? What do you do when you find out that the product or service you’ve been offering is competing against too many giants? You pivot, that’s what you do. You get your core team together and you shift your strategy. You roll with the punches and move in a different direction. Here's how.
Managing A Company Across Different Time Zones
People telling others about their positive experiences of your business, sends a far more powerful marketing message than any advertisement. Word of mouth is credible, personal and admiring. The best advertising cannot match that. Word of mouth is also free, so it is a great marketing medium and deserves more attention than it normally gets. Here are some tips on how to manage your business across time zones.
How To Relocate Your Business To Another City
Relocating your business is never a move to take lightly. Moving your business to another location in town is tricky in itself. If you’re relocating to a whole other city though, the difficulties and considerations are compounded. This is especially the case if said city is in another province or country. Here are some tips to make the process of relocation as smooth as possible.