Ninety-day Cash Needs Template

Benefits: This template is made up of a set of worksheets which will enable you to compute the amount of cash you will need to start your new business and keep it, as well as your personal expenses, going for the first 90 days. The template is broken down into three parts.

  1. The first part computes the amount of cash you will need from day one of planning your business, to day one of opening the business for customers.

  2. The second part computes the business's cash needs for the first three months.

  3. The third part covers your personal living expenses and cash needs for that same period.

This template set lists all the descriptions of the cash needs of the new business. If you need additional categories of expenses, you can quickly modify it.

File Description: The file is a Microsoft word file. Once you've downloaded the file, you must print it out and fill it in.


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