Initial Cash Requirements Template
Benefits: This template will enable you to compute the amount of cash you will need to start your new business. The template is broken down into two parts. The first part computes the amount of cash you will need from day one of planning your business to day one of opening the business for customers. The second part of the template computes the cash needs for the first three months you're in business.
This template lists all the descriptions of the cash needs of the new business. If you need additional categories of expenses, you can quickly modify it. Just plug in your amounts and the spreadsheet will automatically compute the totals.
File Description: The file is a Microsoft Excel (version 5.0) spreadsheet template. Once you've downloaded the file, you must copy it to your EXCEL\XLSTART directory in order to use it.
Special Features:
Download this spreadsheet template just once, and be able to use it over and over again.
The spreadsheet contains the essential items that need to be considered when computing the amount of cash needed to start your new business.
The spreadsheet can be completely customized - you can quickly add or delete items or revise the format to meet your needs.
The spreadsheet is easy to use. Just put in your numbers and it will automatically calculate the amount of cash needed to start you new business.