Why leaders fail
In this article we are going to explore some of the key reasons why leaders fail. As a SME owner, the tone and way you operate your business is determined by who you are as a person.
Have you stopped to think that your business actually reflects your own character? Let us look at some of the factors that influence your effectiveness as a leader.
1. Survival
At this level all you are concerned about is your survival. You have little or no trust in others and your basic attitude toward life is one of total distrust. You have a high need to over-control your employees watching their every movement.
You need to step back and relinquish some control by delegating responsibility to your staff. You need to adapt your mind set to see situations more objectively as opposed to taking everything personally.
2. Relationships
Here a lack of interpersonal and communication skills contributes to inadequate leadership. At this level, you need to take time to get to know your employees and focus on building harmonious relationships with them so that you all feel part of a team working toward the same objectives.
3. Self-Esteem
Leaders often fail to focus on results and performance management. You may become over-ambitious and competitive, because it is all about status or doing things that make you feel good or look good in the eyes of others, as opposed to delivering a sound service. To rectify this situation you need to focus on achieving results and managing the performance of your employees.
4. Continuous Renewal
Leaders at this level lack innovation and avoid accountability. Focus on being open to new ideas or requests, to taking accountability for actions and decisions, and to continually look for ways to improve your business or service.
Very often, your clients will give you feedback based on their needs; herein lie clues for renewal. You also need to empower your employees so that they can grow and develop new skills or more work knowledge.
5. Strong Cultural Identity
Some leaders lack vision, passion and commitment. This is crucial to your business. You need to have clarity on what business and value system is about. Demonstrate passion through being motivated and positive and show that you are truly interested in dealing with issues, be it with your employees or clients.
6. Strategic Alliances
Some leaders lack empathy and the need to work closely together with others. They are too intent on doing their own thing. More and more these days there is a trend for businesses to partner with one another, with the intent to make a difference and make the world a better place. The shift is from being driven by your “ego” to doing what is best for the community, the world or the next generation.
7. Social Responsibility
Companies that lack ethics and have a poor value system are being exposed more and more. Employees and customers are voting with their feet and refusing to work for or do business with companies who have a questionable way of operating.
If you want to be in business in the long term focus on engendering practices with integrity and honesty in your company. In fact your business need to demonstrate actively, that it is incorporating some form of social responsibility by ploughing back into the community.
Are you in business for a fast buck or are you in business for the long haul? Take a few minutes to reflect on what “picture” your employees and customers have formed about you and your company. Are you happy with this? How do you want to change?
The content in this article was provided by Linda Germishuizen – Clinical and Industrial Psychologist, and founder of PsychMastery.
For more information, contact:
Website: http://psychmastery.co.za/
Tel: 082 467 3214
Email: linda@psychmastery.co.za